Hello everyone!
Took a little time off from a publicized Birthday Trek, but I think this one should be one for the records and one for the general public.
So what in the world could I possibly do new, interesting and different for a Birthday Trek? Well...it took me a while to come up with this and it has taken quite a bit of preplanning and a lot of extra hours and effort. A lot of waking up at 5AM to make this happen. A lot or researching until midnight or 1AM. I have lost quite a bit of sleep getting ready for this one.
This will also be a multi-faceted Trek. It's not just traveling. It's not just getting free stuff. It is still a mixture of BOTH - but with more challenges and goals than collecting 100 free things in a 24 hour period and it takes the limits off of a close proximity!
Got your curiosity piqued yet? I hope so.
Travel across the United States. Almost from border to border. From Atlanta to Minnesota. For free! With the potential of MAKING MONEY along the way!
How can this be accomplished??
1) Been donating plasma for gift card $$. First time donators can go to BioLife locations and get $350 for their first 5 donation! After that, they give you $20 for your first donation of the week and $50 for the second donation. By donating plasma for the last 4-5 weeks, I have made enough money to theoretically drive the entire distance across the United Stated. AND BACK! Rough guesstimate is it will take about $150 each way.
(Want to donate $$$ to my trip as a birthday gift while giving to people in need - all without taking any money out of your own pocket??? You can help by donating plasma and mentioning my name as your referral!)
2) My birthday is coming up again and you now what that means to me - free food! Not only is the gas already being covered at no cost (other than time to a worthy cause), but meals along the way will be absolutely free of charge! My goal for this is to get at least 1 free item from every state I travel through. I've been researching each major city looking for restaurants that are local to that area (not chains) to try and get something new and different. But if I end up having to go to a Waffle House or Steak'n'Shake - then so be it. Free is free!
3) I also collect shirts with my name on them. Third goal is to gather a few more along the way. As much as I wold LOVE to have this be a one-from-each-state, I think I may have gathered all I can from Georgia and Tennessee. Several locations have been found in Wisconsin, Kentucky, Indiana and Illinois. By the time I leave, the plasma donations should also cover the cost of these too!
4) But I said something about making a profit.... Did you know that LYFT works nation-wide? Did you know that you can go to a new city and automatically have work! (as long as you still have a car) Not sure how well this part of the trip will go, but if I can get several trips along the way in major cities, there is also a chance of MAKING MONEY along the trip!
This is also another way you can donate...but YOU can make money simultaneously too!
My LYFT Referral code: JOSEPH41203
We can BOTH make money for the rides you give, if you sign up!
I am really excited about this adventure and very excited to be able to share it with people too - especially those that are as frugal as me and love adventures as much as I do.
Until the next post...cheers!!
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